Right HERE! (Picture taken from internet)

We had our reservations, and planned to start driving that direction on Friday morning.
Needless to say, we didn't make it there. GUSTAV wasn't having it!
So, we ended up going to Springfield Illinois to feed my Abraham Lincoln obsession. LOL!
We got to see his house.

I couldn't decide which way I liked it the most, so I am showing it to you twice! LOL!

The old State Capitol building, where he practiced law.

The new State Capitol building, that is absolutely GORGEOUS! (This building is one of the main reasons I wanted to go to Springfield!) Mr. Mister took this picture of it, as we were walking around on the "Lincoln's Ghost Walk." AWESOME shot sir!

It is breathtaking when it's all lit up at night! (After the tour, we went back to the truck for my tripod, and I actually stood in the middle of the street to get this shot. LOL)

We also saw the last place he practiced law, the train depot that he left from, to travel to Washington D.C. and become president, (which was also the same train depot that his body was brought back to, before his burial) and his tomb.

Of course, you cannot visit Springfield without going to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. This is such a COOL place! So much memorabilia and information. I was on total overload. LOL!
So, no we didn't make it to New Orleans, and I was totally bummed about that, but we made some different plans, and still had lots of fun!
I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Springfield and see all the Lincoln stuff. If we do sometime, I will have to get all the details from you.
We're kinda weird in the famly...we love presidential history. We've been to the homes of Jefferson, Washington, Jackson, FDR, Johnson, and even met the Carters. I love it!
Thanks for all the great info.
(And maybe you can make it back to NOLA soon. That's a fun city!)
Eh, don't be bummed. New Orleans is okay - but it's no Springfield!! :) Love your pictures. The sheer history of that place must have been truly awesome.
Kathy, Abe Lincoln is my first cousin, five times removed. His mother and my 4xgreat-grandmother were half sisters. His grandmother is my 5Xgreat-grandma. Fun, huh?? Glad you got to enjoy the Springfield sites. There is a lot to see there! ~~Rhonda :)
It is always good to have a back up plan or plan B LOL
I love visiting Springfield. As you found out there are so many historic places to visit. I am glad you and Mr Mister had a great time and love your photos.
I bet you're really glad you were not in New Orleans! Sounds like a great time after all.
I love your photos!
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