Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mr. Mister Is A SWEETHEART!!!

Last week, I was reading the Leslie Sansone message boards, and saw that there were six new workout DVDs being released. I was SO EXCITED! (If you have been reading my blog, you already know how much I LOVE Leslie Sansone!!!) Then I read that they were exclusive to Target, and only SELECT Targets at that. So, I went to the website and clicked on the map. Wouldn't you know it, they weren't available at our local Targets. I was so bummed.

But then, I thought for a minute (I know, hard to believe huh? LOL!) and went back to the map and clicked on Oklahoma. Why? Because Mr. Mister was in Oklahoma City on a business trip. GUESS WHAT? They showed a Target in Oklahoma City that would be carrying the DVDs.

So, I sent a message to Mr. Mister with the information, and the next day he went to check it out! He had to drive all the way across town, but he went for ME! Isn't that SWEET? And he found THEM! YAY! YAY!

He bought the two below: (Sorry for the small pictures, it's all I could find.)

Punch Up Your Walk (With Weighted Gloves)

Walk strong with this high-intensity workout that will challenge every major muscle group in your body, right in your own home. Wear the weighted gloves and FEEL the muscles work! 4 STRONG Miles! You choose to wear the gloves or just walk, walk, walk!

Walk It Off & Tone It Up (With Two Firm Bands)

5 BIG Miles to walk yourself to a slimmer stronger you! And… not 1… but 2 Firm Bands to BOOST muscle activity while you walk! Be prepared for Lots of Miles AND Lots of Sweat.

The pictures and descriptions were taken from Leslie's website.

I prefer to buy the four and five mile workouts, because I can always stop at two or three miles if I want to. But, I tend to do five miles more often than not. So, it's better to have the longer DVDs.

I've done both already, and LOVE them!

Thanks a BUNCH Mr. Mister! Big SMOOCHES!


Carla said...

What a sweetie he is!!! I'm still waiting on my Wii fit, lol! Not doing much walking either, gotta get back to that again. Our kitchen painting is almost done, so that will leave me more time AND I was selected as a guest designer on Little Red Scrapbook kit club for April and those projects are done and turned in!! woohoo, the reveal is this week, I can't wait! So even more time to walk, yea right!! happy exercising!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! What a SWEETIE Mr. Mister is!!! :-)



Anonymous said...

I had a Leslie Sansone videotape back in the day - I used it quite a bit (if I'm not being overly kind to myself in my memories!) I'm glad you pointed out these new offerings - the bands and weighted gloves are an interesting change! I'll have to check them out! Thanks for the heads up! And kudos to your sweet hubby for going above and beyond for you. :)