Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I am so excited that Pirates Of The Caribbean - The World's End is coming out this week! I get to see all of that yummy eye candy and wipe the drool from my chin for approximately two hours. Everyone knows about the "crush" I have on Orlando Bloom (Will Turner). It's quite funny! A few years ago some of the girls at work did a circle journal project. Each person's circle journal had different themes and my circle journal was pirate/treasure chest themed. Each journal was passed around and everyone did layouts for them. Several of the girls did pages with reference to Will Turner. I was thrilled to receive a "necklace" from him that I keep in a special box on one of the pages. Another friend gave me valentine's with Will Turner on them. LOL Yes! Mr. Mister knows about my "infatuation" with" Orlando Bloom. He teases me and says he is going to buy me the toy figurines of him. I am still waiting!

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