Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WOW! I Got An Award!

I was pleasantly surprised when Anne over at Confessions Are Good For The Soul chose me as one of the people she wanted to give this blog award to.

It's nice to know that people like my blog! (I had actually been considering taking a break from blogging, because I haven't had much to say, but maybe I will just have to try harder to come up with topics.) LOL!

Thank you Anne! It was sweet of you to think of me! I really appreciate it!


Anne said...

Thanks Kathy! I have been following your blog for a few months now.... since you posted about coupons... a post I have favorited, btw, because it helped me get back in the clipping mode. You are awesome.

Take a break from blogging if you need to, but please please please come back soon!


Linda said...

Well, are you special or what.
Congrats and you are Awesome.
Love Ya, MOM