Sunday, December 14, 2008


OK! I NEVER thought the day would come when I would fall in LOVE with a phone!

Yesterday, Mr. Mister and I, stopped by the Sprint store, and while we were waiting to be helped, we walked around checking out all of the phones. When I saw this phone, I stopped in my tracks! I'm telling you, it was LOVE at first sight! It's called the LG LOTUS. It's PRETTY, it's purple, and I WANTED it!

I have never been one to go bonkers over these types of things. I had been carrying the same phone that we started our plan with (over three years ago) and figured I would keep that phone until it was totally dead.

Mr. Mister had been trying to get me to upgrade for FOREVER! But, I wasn't having it! I kept telling him that there was "NOTHING wrong with my phone! Thank you very much!" Well, you should have seen the look on his face when I lit up like a kid in a candy store, after laying eyes on this baby! He LAUGHED at me! And he wasn't the ONLY one! The store clerk was laughing because my phone was so OLD! I'm telling ya! Where's the respect?? LOL!

I guess they are me now! HUH! ROFL! I have a COOL new phone! And everyone is jealous! NANNIE NANNIE!

P.S. The picture was taken from the Flickr website - it was uploaded by giraffeprincess.)


Anonymous said...

Im looking at new ones for Christmas. The daughter wants me to get a Pearl. Im just not sure.
Yours is pretty.

Rose-Anne said...

I can relate to this-I have a new nano ipod and just love it. LOL.
Check out my blog. I have left you a friendship award.

Cheryl Wray said...

Ooh, this looks great! (Although, I don't get excited over phones...this still looks cool.And my husband would think it's GREAT!! lol)

Mosaic*Queen said...

Oooooh la~la!!!
My m-i-l was carrying around one of those really huge ones for years! Talk about embarrasing!
I'm glad to see that you have upgraded. :-)